Increasing game sales in China

There are 330 million Chinese PC gamers, making up 24% of Steam player base. Can you afford not to talk to them?

Why it’s worth it.


Enter new distribution channels

Gain access to Heybox, Sonkwo, WePlay & other local distribution platforms.


Gain access to Chinese influencers

KOL, KOC, bloggers, Steam curators - we map them out and establish relationships for you.


Low risk - high reward ratio

Minimum agreement for 6 months with a 1 month termination period.


Clear reporting

You receive clear reports after each month of cooperation, with results and recommendations for future actions.

+26 000 wishlists in 26 weeks without extra budget on influencers or ads? Yes we can!

Our solutions will help you reach the Chinese gaming community and make the most of the market, whether you're a small indie or an AAA game developer.

What does the service consist of?

  • Marketing on Chinese social media (WeChat, Weibo, Douyin, Bili Bili)
  • Influencer campaigns (KOL, KOC, bloggers, Steam curators)
  • PR outreach: contact with media and gamers
  • Community engagement and moderation
Increasing Game Sales

You do not need an ISBN number

... nor a local publisher to release your game in China. If your game is published on the global version of Steam, it's also available to Chinese players.

Why it’s worth it.


You signal to us your needs and barriers


We analyze them during the meeting


We’re back with a tailored strategy for action


We get down to work!

Download our case study!

Learn how to increase wishlists and save money with your Chinese community.
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