Translation and localization

The localization of the game has as much to do with the translation of the sandpiper as shengjian dumplings with stuffing without broth. We know the importance of correct translation, but also sensitivity to linguistic nuances. Our team includes veteran interpreters, translators and native-speakers ready to handle your project.

Why Huqiao?


8 years of experience

Backed by 20+ letters of recommendations. We've translated more than 1 000 000 characters and are hungry for more.


Proven track record

Huqiao's experts are not only experienced translators, but also video game veterans - with several gaming projects under their belt.


Involve the community and influencers

Unique feature - boost awareness or cut costs with a community-made translations.



All translations are done in-house, without subcontracting to third parties.

What can we localize for you?  

  • Game files
  • Steam page
  • Announcements
  • Subtitles
  • Company name and KV

…and even your name (yup, creating a Chinese name for you is not only something we do for fun, but something that has real business implications in terms of your communication with Chinese partners)

Translation and localization

"No Chinese"

This is the most common NEGATIVE comment you will see among Steam reviews if your game is not localized into Chinese. Localization is crucial to maintaining the high review percentage = better exposure on the Steam page. We know that video games are not court pleadings - mere correctness of translation is not enough to succeed.

Why Huqiao?


You describe your needs to us


We confirm the scope of the agreement


Let's get to work!


We help with content updates and any corrections

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Learn how to increase wishlists and save money with your Chinese community.
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