
Konrad Kwiatkowski

Head of Operations

Konrad Kwiatkowski

As the Head of Operations, he is responsible for an interdisciplinary team bringing together HR, finance, accounting, administration, IT and M&A functions.

He specializes in supporting organizations focused on dynamic growth and scaling businesses in a repeatable operating model based on Scaling Up and Great Game of Business methodologies. He combines his knowledge of startups with his experience in large corporations, helping Tigers increase the efficiency of the operating model and preparing the tiger pack for dynamic growth in international markets.

Trust your people, help them grow and give them responsibility


conducted strategy workshops for various companies


minutes spent on morning pulses, weekly statuses and monthly business reviews


years of seniority


We develop our skills in aT-shaped model



Building lasting B2C and B2B relationships, introducing customer-focused solutions, and building commitment within the team are just some of the competencies Konrad has acquired over the years of working for some of the world's largest organizations.


Business experience shapes his strong strategic sense. He can quickly connect distant aspects and pinpoint areas with potential or in need of change.


At Tigers, he has helped introduce an operational routine that is at the heart of our success. He initiated our strategy trips, which help us set the direction and stay on the course.

Konrad privately...

Interesting facts that not everyone knows about


He has a complete spin on almost all sports


He has practiced boxing, kung fu wing tsun and krav maga


His favorite author is Malcolm Gladwell

Konrad through the eyes of his co-workers...

Franciszek Georgiew
Franciszek Georgiew

Business and strategy

Konrad is an invaluable help for me in building systems for further growth. With his support, managing a team of such ambitious and strong individuals from a challenge becomes a pleasure.

Daniel Kotliński
Daniel Kotliński
Strategic Planner

What is Konrad like?

Konrad is a true leader! Setting ambitious goals, efficiency and solution thinking is in his DNA. Demanding, but developing and supporting his team. He can take care of a good atmosphere and team morale. For him, even the saying "Sky is the limit" is not enough.

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