
Martyna Celuch

Customer Success Manager

Martyna Celuch

First Manager of the Customer Success team at Tigers. Her core values at work are punctuality, creativity and open feedback.

For years she has successfully managed numerically diverse teams. She has completed long-term projects in many industries, including advertising, events and catering.

Learn, always!


years in managerial/leadership positions


leads acquired for customers in various industries


years at Tigers


We develop our skills in aT-shaped model


Social Media

Her main specialty are social media - she creates and implements communication strategies, achieves image goals and develops communities for brands.

Content Marketing

Creativity in creating engaging communications is an essential quality for anyone who wants to stand out in social media. By applying the immutable principles of marketing in new forms, it can meet client goals on every level.

Lead Generation

Uses Facebook conversion funnels that translate into increased inquiries in non-obvious ways. Uses content marketing tactics to continually improve query quality.

Martyna privately...

Interesting facts that not everyone knows about


Co-founder of one of the most popular Polish portals about MMA


Likes to watch horror movies, but always with the light on


She is a fan of the works of Jane Austen

Martyn through the eyes of her co-workers

Jan Chmielowski
Jan Chmielowski
Marketing & Growth Specialist

Knowledge and competence

Never before have I met such a professional, faithful to proven processes and effective leader - the trust she places in you from the first moment comes with great responsibility - which is why at the beginning of our cooperation I didn't fully understand her working methods and firmness, which I mistook (oh horror!!!) for personal reluctance. This is a person to whom you can tell about anything - from the craziest, to a dramatic blockage that affects your work or life.

Daniel Kotliński
Daniel Kotliński
Strategic Planner

What is Martina like?

I love working with Martina on joint projects. Commitment combined with creativity and orderly work is an explosive mix that always results in more than anyone could expect. It's also impossible to deny Martina's thoroughness, regularity and incredible attentiveness - the clients she leads are truly great examples to follow and an endless source of inspiration for others.

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